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Neorubin #20 Cap

Drug form: Capsules.


Roots of  Rubia -347,5 mg;

Rhizomata at radices Rubiae.

Oil of Camomile – 3,475 mg,

Oleum Matricariae.

Sweetbrier dry extract – 69mg;

Extractum Rosae siccum.

Plants in preparation caotaines complex of biologically active substances: oxi and oximethilantraqinones and their glycosides (mainly rubirethrin acid, alizarin), flavonoids, polysaccharides, carotinoids, vitamins, ascorbic acid, chamazulene, tanning matter.

Pharmacological action

Preparation has diuretic, spasmolitic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, mild pain-relieving effect. it induces to loosen and breaking down the kidney and urine bladder stones (Calcium and Magnesium oxalates and phosphates), increases the contraction of kidney pelvis and urethra,  moving of the stone in urinary tract and their excretion. Preparation has choleretic effect, increases digestive glands secretion. Ascorbic acid in the preparation helps to the oxidation processes.    .


·   Kidney-stone disease

·   Gallstone disease

·   Podagra


·   Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis

·   Kidney failure

·   Increased sensitivity towards any ingredient of the preparation

Administration and dosage rule: Preparation is administrated per orally.

Adults: 2-3 capsules 3 times a day after meal.

Course of treatment is 20-30 days. Repeated course may be prescribed after 4-6 weeks

Side effects: No data available.

Dosage omission: A missed dose should continued accoding to the  previous schedule of treatment.

Note: After administration of Neorubin the urine becomes red colored (because of Alizarine and Rubirethrine).

Pregnancy and lactation period: No data available

Interaction with other preparations: No data available

Influence on driving motor transport and mechanisms:

Preparation intake doesn’t influence on vehicle and mechanism management.

Over dosage: No data available

Package: 10 capsules in polyvinylchloride blister. 2 blisters in a cardboard box.

Shelf-life: 2 years

Affter expiry of validity date the preparation can’t be used.

Issue: III group of a pharmaceutical product - issued without prescription.

Storage conditions: Store on 18-25ºC temperature in a dark, dry place

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