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Stomach drops 25ml

Paramedical mean 

Drug form: Inner drops.

Code ATC: A03B.

Composition per 25ml: valerian tincture - 10ml; absinthii tincture - 7,5ml; peppermint tincture - 5ml; belladonna tincture - 2,5ml.

The plants entering into a preparation, contain a complex of biologically active substances: Essential oils (the basic components - menthol, Bornyl-iso-Valerianat), Valepotriates, Absinthin, Non-absinthe, Ascorbic acid, Organic acids, tannins,flavonoids, Triterpenoid saponins, Hyoscyamine, Scopolamine.

Pharmacological operation: ,,Stomach drops'' combined drug of plant origin. Its effectiveness is based on the components included in the preparation: Alcaloids of tincture belladonna determine the analgesic effect at time gastralgia, tincture of valerian and mint provide a sedative and spasmolytic effect of the drug. Tincture of wormwood reflexively enhances the secretion of the glands of the digestive tract, regulates and improves digestive processes.

Indication: Spastic condition of a digestive path, Accompanied by pains, sensation of a nausea, meteorism.

Use and dosage:  It’s taken per orally 20 minutes before meals. Drops must be diluted with one tablespoon of water.

In adults : peroral 5-10 drops twice of three times a day.

To children : Number of drops depends on  child's age.


·      Additional sensitivity toward the component of the preparation.

·      Glaucoma;

·      Renal failure;

·      Organic heart disease;

·      Hipersecretion of gastric juice;

·      Gastric and duodenal ulcers;

·      Lactation period (decreases lactation).

Side effects: In rare cases there may be develop allergic reactions.

Influence on ability of driving motor transport and mechanisms: After application the preparation caution is required while driving car and other mechanisms, because it can influence on ability of psychomotor reaction.

Pregnancy and lactation period: Preparation may be used during pregnancy and lactation period with the doctor’s  prescription.

Overdosage: Overdose can cause symptoms of poisoning. In this case, the stomach is washed and the enterosorbent is taken. Treatment is symptomatic.

Взаимодействие с другими лекарственными средствами. Настойка Валерианы, которая входит в состав лекарственного средства, может усиливать действие седативных, снотворных, анальгетических, и спазмолитических средств.

Алкалоиды красавки уменьшают действие м холиномиметикив, антихолинэстеразных веществ, потенцируют аритмогенное действие ингибиторов МАО, сердечных гликозидов, клофелина, холинолитические свойства хинидина, новокаинамида, эффекты барбитуратов, адреномиметиков, антигистаминных препаратов, транквилизаторов. С ацетатом свинца, солями кальция, танином, настойкой ландыша образует осадки. Эффектовность препарата ослабляется в курильщиках, и любителях горячей и острой пищи.

Package: 25 ml in an orange glass or in a polymeric bottle with dropper and scrwed cover.  

Order of issue from pharmacy: Pharmaceutical product group III, issued without a prescription.

Storage conditions: Stored at room temperature, protected from light.

Order of issue: 3 years.

In case of visual defects and expiry of validity date, the preparation can not be used.

Manufacturer: Ltd “Neopharmi”.

12th km, David Agmashenebeli alley, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Tel/Fax: + 995 (32) 259-64-46; 259-57-90.



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